“The true churches of Jesus Christ travail in birth for the salvation of men. They are the armies of the Lamb, the grand object of whose existence is to extend the Redeemer’s kingdom.” ~Andrew Fuller (1754-1815)


The Andrew Fuller Center for Baptist Studies is an historical research center located at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, Kentucky, that seeks to promote the study of Baptist history as well as theological reflection on the contemporary significance of that history.

Andrew Fuller Works Project

The controlling objective of The Works of Andrew Fuller Project is to preserve and accurately transmit the text of Fuller’s writings. The editors are committed to the finest scholarly standards for textual transcription, editing, and annotation.

The Journal of Andrew Fuller Studies

In partnership with H&E Publishing, The Andrew Fuller Center launched its academic journal Fall of 2020. The Journal of Andrew Fuller Studies is an open access, peer-reviewed, scholarly biannual journal. It contains articles that deal with the life, ministry, and thought of the Baptist pastor-theologian Andrew Fuller. You will also find many essays on his friends, his Particular Baptist community in the long eighteenth century (1680s‒1830s), and the global impact of his thought, known as “Fullerism.” Visit H&E to subscribe and access previous editions, as well as browse other publications.


Explore articles, lectures, and videos on a wide range of subjects from the director of The Andrew Fuller Center for Baptist Studies, Dr. Michael A.G. Haykin, in addition to articles from fellows and friends of the center.

“Pray fervently for the influences of the Holy Spirit as the sum of all good. Seek from him a sanctified heart, a holy mental taste, a spirit congenial with the Truth.” ~JOHN RYLAND, JR. (1753–1825)