This page will feature occasional papers by Dr. Michael A. G. Haykin which have not yet been published, as well as articles written for a variety of publications.
I recently came across three articles written by Dr. Michael Haykin and published in the Churchman nearly twenty years ago. The articles are as follows:
- ‘Where the Spirit of God is, there is Power’: An Introduction to Spurgeon’s Teaching on the Holy Spirit (106/3 1992)
On February 19-20, 2010, Dr. Michael A.G. Haykin spoke at the True Church Conference hosted by Grace Life Church of Muscle Shoals, AL. Dr. Haykin presented two papers at the conference. The first on Hyper-Calvinism, and the second on Andrew Fuller. Both papers are now posted in PDF format below:
On September 18-19, 2009, Dr. Michael A.G. Haykin spoke at Sola Scriptura’s Toronto National Conference celebrating John Calvin’s legacy on his 500th birthday. Dr. Haykin’s three papers focused on:
Other Occasional Papers
- Why read Andrew Fuller today? (PDF)
- Being faithful unto death: Reflecting on the meaning of martyrdom (PDF)
- “For God’s glory [and] for the good of precious souls”: Calvinism and Missions in the Piety of Samuel Pearce (1766-1799) (PDF)
- To “Leave a Bequest”: Patrick of Ireland’s Career and His Legacy in Early Celtic Ireland (PDF)
- “Sacramental Glory”: The Lord’s Supper and the Power of the Holy Spirit in the Hymnody of Charles Wesley (PDF) MP3
A paper presented at “A Thousand Tongues to Sing:” A Symposium Celebrating the Theology and Hymns of Charles Wesley. This symposium was held on March 10-11, 2008 at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. - “For Me to Live is Christ and Die is Gain”: A Tercentennial Appreciation of the Life & Ministry of William Grimshaw (1708-1763) (PDF)
- “Dr. Thomas of Toronto”: The Life and Ministry of Benjamin Daniel Thomas (1843-1917) (PDF)
A paper presented at Bethesda Baptist Church, Narberth in Wales where Thomas had grown up as a child of the manse (it is the church’s 200th anniversary this year). - “Remembering Patrick and His Confession on March 17, 2011” (PDF)
Articles from the Gospel Witness:
- “To Be a Truly Religious Man”: Piety and Politics in the Life and Thought of William Wilberforce (PDF)
An article from the November, 2007 issue of The Gospel Witness.
- The Practice of Theological Education – Six Essential Adjectives (PDF)
An article from the October, 2007 issue of The Gospel Witness.
- The Resurrection of Christ & Defending the Faith in the 2nd Century (PDF)
An article from the April, 2007 issue of The Gospel Witness.
- Eminent Christians: Isaac Watts (PDF)
An article from the February, 2007 issue of The Gospel Witness.
- The Resurrection of the Great Shepherd (PDF)
An article from the April, 2006 issue of The Gospel Witness.
- The Experience of Four Seventeenth-Century Baptists in the Fires of Persecution (PDF)
An article from the February, 2006 issue of The Gospel Witness.
- Prayer and the Christian Life (PDF)
An article from the November, 2005 issue of The Gospel Witness.