Free Thomas Chalmers Offer

Michael Ives is making a great offer on his blog:  West Port Experiment".  He is offering a chance to win a free copy of John Mackay’s Thomas Chalmers: A Short Appreciation. For more information see below:

One main purpose of this blog is to  facilitate renewed interest in Thomas Chalmers, the great 19th century Scottish preacher, churchman, and social reformer.  I am convinced that he needs to be rediscovered again, A Short Appreciationespecially in the place of his spiritual birth - the Reformed community.

As a small contribution to getting the word out, I’ve decided to make a special offer.  I am going to give away 5 copies of W.M. Mackay’s Thomas Chalmers: A Short Appreciation randomly to church leaders or those preparing for the ministry.  For the next two weeks, from today until January 21, anyone who would like to get a free copy can enter the drawing by e-mailing me ( with your name & e-mail address.  If you are selected, I’ll let you know on Jan. 22 and will then request your mailing address.

If you aren’t a church leader, feel free to check back in a week.  If I don’t get many responses, I’ll open it up to anyone.

Posted by Steve Weaver, Research and Administrative Assistant to the Director of the Andrew Fuller Center for Baptist Studies, Dr. Michael A.G. Haykin.

A Great Baptist History Site and Journal

Nathan Finn has posted at Between the Times about a new issue of The Journal of Baptist Studies:

The 2008 edition of The Journal of Baptist Studies has now been published. JBS is an autonomous, peer-reviewed scholarly journal in Baptist history and historical theology that was launched in 2007. JBS is an online journal that is published once a year, normally in early December. JBS is part of a broader website titled Baptist Studies Online, which also includes Baptist primary sources, links to Baptist study centers and archival repositories, and announcements related to the field. Southeastern Seminary provides financial support for Baptist Studies Online and JBS.

The Table of Contents for the 2008 edition of JBS is listed below:

The Journal of Baptist Studies Volume 2 (2008)



“Service is Not Slavery: A Review of Recent Literature on Women in the Southern Baptist Convention” By April Armstrong, pp. 2-15

“Southern Baptist Faith in Black and White after World War II: An Examination of Recent Monographic Literature” By Edward R. Crowther, pp. 16-26

“The 1919 Statement of Belief and the Tradition of Confessional Boundaries for Southern Baptist Missionaries” By Jeffrey R. Riddle, pp. 27-43

Book Reviews

Chute, Anthony L. A Piety Above the Common Standard: Jesse Mercer and Evangelistic Calvinism, by Steve Weaver

Flynt, Wayne. Alabama Baptists: Southern Baptists in the Heart of Dixie, by John A. Nixon

Nettles, Tom J. By His Grace and For His Glory: A Historical, Theological and Practical Study of the Doctrines of Grace in Baptist Life, by Tony Chute

Shurden, Walter B. Not An Easy Journey: Some Transitions in Baptist Life, by Nathan A. Finn

Stricklin, David. A Genealogy of Dissent: Southern Baptist Protest in the Twentieth Century, by Aaron Weaver

Thompson, James J. Jr. Tried as by Fire: Southern Baptists and the Religious Controversies of the 1920s, by Mark Rogers

Posted by Steve Weaver, Research and Administrative Assistant to the Director of the Andrew Fuller Center for Baptist Studies, Dr. Michael A.G. Haykin.

"Dyed with Jesus' blood": the type of men needed in the ministry--the view of Basil Manly, Jr

More from Basil Manly, Jr. This time a portion of one of his best sermons, that on what constitutes a call to the ministry: “Now we need numbers in the Ministry. The plenteous, perishing harvest wails out a despairing cry for more laborers. But we need purity more than numbers; we need intelligence more than numbers; we need zeal more than numbers. Above all, we need consecrated men, men who have stood beneath the Cross, till their very souls are dyed with Jesus’ blood, and a love like his for perishing millions has been kindled within them.”

[A Call to the Ministry (Greenville, South Carolina: G.E. Elford’s Job Press, 1866), 16].

Why blogging cannot be the basis of lasting historical reflection

Blogging and doing history: it is obvious that I think the two are complementary to some degree and that those doing history should blog. But there is an ephemeral nature about blogging that is counter-productive to historical writing. We write to be read—and read by future generations and not simply our passing contemporaries. I just looked at some blog entries I posted three years ago this time of year—Jan 2006—and some of the references on the web I referred to no longer exist. As I said, blogging is too ephemeral a medium to make it the basis of lasting, influential history writing.

"No sacrifice too great": Basil Manly on being a seminary professor

Exactly one hundred and fifty years ago, Basil Manly, Jr (1825-1892), one of the four founding faculty of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, entered upon what he came to consider his life’s great work, namely his teaching and mentoring students at Southern. Manly’s commitment to theological education can be gauged by words he had written in a letter to a leading Baptist layman in South Carolina, John B. O'Neall, in which he stated that the “cause of theological education is one dearer to me than almost any other and I esteem no sacrifice too great for its promotion.” [Basil Manly, Letter to John B. O’Neall, September 13, 1856 (Manly Collection of Manuscripts, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary Archives)].

“No sacrifice too great”: O that I might share this conviction—yes, with due regard to other responsibilities in my life—but for those of us whom God has called to do theology and be involved in the mentoring of aspiring pastors—O may I have a due sense of the weightiness of this calling and its joy and its cost.

I dare not say it is the calling of callings—I only know that it is the path God has laid out for me. And may I be diligent this year in the duty of my calling.

PS My thanks to Dr Greg Wills for drawing my attention to this text.

Being a Christian according to Calvin

The Christian is not his own man or woman. The Christian cannot say to those in her or his life, “Leave me alone; I just want to live my life as I please.”

The French Reformer John Calvin well expressed the sum of the Christian life in the following prayer, when he prayed this:

“Grant, almighty God, since you have won us by the precious blood of your Son, that we may not be our own masters but devoted to you in steadfast obedience, so that we may set our minds on consecrating ourselves entirely to you and so to offer body and soul in sacrifice that we are prepared to encounter a hundred deaths rather than defect from the true and sincere worship of your Godhead…”

[Daniel I (Chapters 1-6), trans. T. H. L. Parker [Calvin’s Old Testament Commentaries, vol. 20; Grand Rapids: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Co./Carlisle, Cumbria: Paternoster Press, 1993], 252].

Basil Manly and his love of new books

I have been reading as many of the primary sources from the hand of Basil Manly, Jr. (1825-1892) in recent days as I can, as well as key secondary sources. Manly was a keen reader, like the other founders of Southern Seminary. At one point, just before the Civil War, he became concerned that the coming war might produce a shortage of new books. Some might think this sounds petty in such circumstances—but not me! I love new books and can fully sympathize.

Manly, though, was able to poke fun at his fears. “What shall we do without new books?” he wrote to his parents (his father, Basil Manly, Sr., one of the most significant ante-bellum Southern Baptist pastors, was also a lover of books), and then answered his own question: “Read those we have, I suppose”!

[Basil Manly, Jr., Letter to Parents, March 8, 1861, cited James M. Manley, “The Southern Baptist Mind in Transition: A Life of Basil Manly, Jr., 1825-1892” (Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, University of Florida, 1999), 170].

A Word from the Director: 2008 in Review and Looking Ahead to 2009

This year was an eventful one for the Andrew Fuller Center. As most of you know, this year marked the transition of the Center from Toronto to Louisville since I began serving as Professor of Church History and Biblical Spirituality at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in January, 2008. I am deeply honored to be serving in this capacity and thrilled to be able to work alongside godly, scholarly colleagues and to teach students passionately committed to the Kingdom of the Lord Jesus. With this move to Louisville a change in personnel was needed to facilitate the work of the Andrew Fuller Center at the new location. Steve Weaver assumed the position of Research and Administrative Assistant to the Director for the Center, a position previously admirably filled by Mr. Allen Mickle. With Mr. Weaver's assumption of duties in July, the Center's full transition to Louisville was finally complete.

In the summer the Center published our ninth issue of Eusebeia. The theme was "Reading Andrew Fuller" and largely featured papers from the 2007 Annual Conference. At two hundred pages, this issue is the largest issue of Eusebeia published by the Center and features several excellent articles on the literary and theological influences on Andrew Fuller by leading evangelical scholars (including Tom Nettles, Carl Trueman, Jeff Jue, and Barry Howson).  If you would like to order a copy, please contact us at

At the end of August, the Center hosted its second annual conference at SBTS. The theme this year was the "17th Century British Baptists" and featured presentations by Baptist scholars from both sides of the Atlantic (including R. Albert Mohler, Tom Nettles, Malcolm Yarnell, Austin Walker, Larry Kreitzer, and James Renihan). It is hoped that these papers will be published in a forthcoming volume in Paternoster's series on Baptist History and Thought. The complete audio from this conference is available online for free MP3 download here.

In mid-November, the Center sponsored yet another event on the campus of SBTS. It was a mini-conference celebrating the life and thought of John Milton on the quatercentenary of his birth. This mini-conference featured a biographical sketch of Milton, followed by presentations on his poems by Timothy Paul Jones and James Orrick, both of whom teach at Southern. The audio for this conference is also available online for free in MP3 format here.

The coming year promises to be a full one, DV. We will have the annual conference in August with the focus this year on Baptist piety. We are looking forward to some splendid lectures at that time by such scholars as Crawford Gribben and Robert Strivens (both from the U.K.), Greg Thornbury and Greg Wills, and Jason Lee and Malcolm Yarnell (both of whom will speak on John Smyth and the General Baptists). Do plan on joining us. In April we also hope to do a mini-celebration of the life of John Calvin (it is the quincentenary of his birth this year) on the campus of Southern. We also hope to publish two issues of Eusebeia, the first of which is to focus on Puritanism.

Hopefully this year will also witness the publication of the first two volumes in the critical edition of the Works of Andrew Fuller, which is being published by Paternoster Press. The first volume should be Fuller's memoirs of his close friend Samuel Pearce, which I am editing and which will be ready by the August conference, followed in the fall by Fuller's The Gospel Worthy of All Acceptation, being edited by Robert Oliver. Other books in the works this year by the Director include a collection of love letters by Christians called The Christian Lover (Reformation Trust), a collection of essays on Abraham Booth (whom Fuller highly esteemed), a book on Calvinistic Baptist Spirituality (Paternoster Press), and hopefully a collection of papers that I have done at various times in the past on Andrew Fuller.

Calvin 500 Tour and Conference

In July 2009, Dr. Haykin will be among the featured speakers at the Calvin 500 conference (a complete list of speakers is available here).  This conference is in commemoration of the quincentenary of John Calvin’s birth in 1509.  Registration for the conference is now open.  To register, go here.  You may also visit the Calvin 500 Blog.

Posted by Steve Weaver, Research and Administrative Assistant to the Director of the Andrew Fuller Center for Baptist Studies, Dr. Michael A.G. Haykin.

James Petigru Boyce 120 years on

Thanks to God for the life and testimony of James Petigru Boyce (1827-1888), one of the co-founders of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, who went home to be with the Lord on Friday, December 28, 1888. His legacy is still bearing rich fruit, God be praised.

In the faculty minutes of January 2, 1889, his colleagues acknowledged Boyce "as the foremost leader in the enterprise of establishing our seminary" and recognized the "many years of thought and exertion" he gave to the school "and for which he made many sacrifices."

What a privilege for Southern today to have a man of such sterling spiritual calibre as Boyce (not to mention Broadus, Manly and Williams) as a founding father. May the truths he loved be adored by all who teach at and attend the school he co-founded and sacrificially laboured to make a beacon for truth and for the glory of God.

John Gill, "the neglected Baptist theologian"

Working currently on the Charleston Association and its use of the Second London Confession of Faith I noticed that in its publication of this confession in 1813, the Association also published a Summary of Church Discipline. One of the distinguishing marks of the latter is its liberal quoting of the Baptist theologian John Gill (1697-1771). Despite some recent studies of Gill—including a collection at the time of the tercentennial of his birth—Gill is still very much, as Paul Helm has recently noted, “the neglected Baptist theologian” (December). Because of this I am very much looking forward to Prof. Helm’s promised postings on Gill in the new year. See his blog: "Helm's Deep".

New painting of Andrew Fuller discovered and bought

I have long suspected that there was another oil painting of Andrew Fuller besides the one hanging in the dining hall of Regent’s Park College, Oxford. Well, such has proven to be the case. Another Fuller painting, a portrait in oils, has recently been sold at auction and is now in the hands of a lover of Fuller’s works in the south of England. This is tremendously exciting news. The portrait is by Samuel Medley, Jr (1769-1857), who was a Baptist layman and a member of John Rippon’s Church, had a career in the stock exchange and was one of the founders of University College, the University of London. He was also a painter, and exhibited at the Royal Academy. The painting was done in 1802 and was the basis for the frontispiece in John Ryland’s life of the Baptist divine.

The sale was in Northumbria, far from Fuller country, and raises questions naturally about how the painting came to be in that part of England.

I am deeply thankful to the new owner of the painting for contacting me, and hope in the very near future to display a picture of the portrait on this blog.

Doctrine, revival and Basil Manly Jr.

I am always amazed at those who think that reform/revival can genuinely take place without concern for doctrine. Classic orthodoxy is essential for anything that can be called a move of God. And how sad when such substantial doctrine is in place and it be taken away to make way for so-called better ways of doing ministry! Basil Manly, Jr. put it this way in his great hymn: "Soldiers of Christ, in truth arrayed/A world in ruins needs your aid." It is only as we are arrayed in truth that we can help anyone in this world.

Conference on Southern Seminary & the History of American Christianity

Southern Seminary is hosting an outstanding conference on February 18th and 19th, 2009.  The theme is Southern Seminary & the History of American Christianity.  Speakers include church historians and theologians as:  Dr. Mark Dever, Dr. Gary Dorrien, Dr. Timothy George, Dr. Darryl Hart, Dr. R. Albert Mohler Jr., Dr. Russell D. Moore, Dr. Thomas Nettles, Dr. Stephen Nichols, Dr. Grant Wacker, and Dr. Greg Wills.  To view the complete schedule click here.  Conference registration can be done online by credit card here at the rates of:

$25.00 — SBTS / Boyce Student Registration Fee $45.00 — Conference Registration Fee $55.00 — Late Registration Fee (after February 7th)

These conference fees cover the cost of the conference, as well as a continental style breakfast and boxed lunch on Thursday (the 19th).

Lodging is available on campus at The Legacy Center Hotel. Please call 877-444-SBTS to place a reservation. Be sure to request the “SSHAC09” Special Conference Rate.

This promises to be an excellent conference that I'm greatly looking forward to attending myself.

Posted by Steve Weaver, Research and Administrative Assistant to the Director of the Andrew Fuller Center for Baptist Studies, Dr. Michael A.G. Haykin.

Jonathan Edwards on Christ and Lucifer: a misunderstanding making the rounds

There is a charge that is making the rounds on the web that Jonathan Edwards (1703 - 1758) believed that Satan was initially a superior being to Jesus and that Jesus was an exalted man. The text of Edwards cited in relation to this charge is the following from “Fall of the Angels,” in “Miscellaneous Observations on Important Theological Subjects,” Chapter XI, of The Works of Jonathan Edwards (Hendrickson Publishers, 1998), II, 609. The charge is an utterly silly one based on a failure to read the text closely. Here is the text. My comment follows.

Corol. I. Hence learn that Satan before his fall was the Messiah or Christ, as he was the anointed. The word anointed is radically the same in Hebrew as the word Messiah: so that in this respect our Jesus is exalted into his [Satan’s] place in heaven.

Corol. II. These things show another thing, wherein Jesus is exalted into the place of Lucifer; that whereas he had the honour to dwell in the holy of holies continually, so Jesus is there entered, not as the high priests of old, but to be there continually, but in this respect is exalted higher than Lucifer ever was; that whereas Lucifer was only near the throne, or kneeling on the mercy-seat in humble posture, covering it with his wings, Jesus is admitted to sit down for ever with God on the throne.

Corol. IV. In another respect also Jesus succeeds Lucifer, viz. in being the covering cherub. The word translated cover, often and commonly signifies to protect. It was committed to this archangel especially, to have the care of protecting the beloved race, elect man, that was God’s jewel, his first-fruits, his precious treasure, laid up in God’s ark, or cabinet, hid in the secret of his presence. That was the great business the angels were made for, and therefore was especially committed to the head of the angels. But he fell from his innocency and dignity, and Jesus in his stead becomes the Cherub that covereth, the great Protector and Saviour of elect man, that gathereth them as a hen her chickens under his wings.

Corol. V. Lucifer, while a holy angel, in having the excellency of all those glorious things that were about him, all summed up in him, was a type of Christ, in whom all the glory and excellency of all elect creatures is more properly summed, as the head and foundation of all, just as the brightness of all, that reflects the light of the sun, is summed up in the sun.

“… Therefore, seeing Lucifer was the head, and captain, and prince of all, and the highest creature in the whole universe, we may suppose that he had, as God’s chief servant, and the grand minister of his providence, and the top of the creation, in some respect committed to him power, dominion, and principality over the whole creation, and all the kingdom of providence; and as all the angels are called the sons of God, Lucifer was his [God’s] first-born, and was the firstborn of every creature. But when it was revealed to him, high and glorious as he was, that he must be a ministering spirit to the race of mankind which he had seen newly created, which appeared so feeble, mean, and despicable, so vastly inferior, not only to him, the prince of the angels, and head of the created universe, but also to the inferior angels, and that he must be subject to one of that race that should hereafter be born, he could not bear it. This occasioned his fall; and now he, with the other angels whom he drew away with him, are fallen, and elect men are translated to supply their places, and are exalted vastly higher in heaven than they. And the Man Jesus Christ, the Chief, and Prince, and Captain of all elect men, is translated and set in the throne that Lucifer, the chief and prince of the angels, left, to be the head of the angels in his stead, the head of principality and power, that all the angels might do obeisance to him; for God said “Let all the angels of God worship him;” and God made him his first-born instead of Lucifer, higher than all those thrones, dominions, principalities, and powers, and made him, yea, made him in his stead the first-born of every creature, or of the whole creation, and made him also in his stead the bright and morning star, and head and prince of the universe; yea, gave this honour, dignity, and power unto him, in an unspeakably higher and more glorious manner than ever he had done to Lucifer, and appointed him to conquer, subdue, and execute vengeance upon that great rebel.”

My comment: A close and careful reading of the text reveals simply this: Edwards is arguing that the unfallen Lucifer is a type of glorified humanity of Christ—the chief responsibilities of Lucifer before his fall have now been given to the glorified humanity of Jesus Christ. There is nothing heretical in this, though, in true Edwards style, this is something I had never thought of before. But the latter is of no import, there is so much in Edwards that we lesser minds would never have thought of if we did not read it in Edwards. As a theologian, he was stellar. Is he right: that is another question. Again, Edwards is not exalting Lucifer over our Lord. He is simply arguing that the unfallen Lucifer has typological aspects to his character when it comes to his relationship to the glorified humanity of Christ.

Milton Audio Now Online

On November 13, 2008, the Andrew Fuller Center sponsored an event celebrating the life and thought of John Milton (1608-1674).  The occassion was the quatercentenary of Milton's birth.  This event featured a brief historical introduction to Milton by Dr. Michael Haykin, followed by selected readings from Milton's works by Dr. Jim Orrick.  The event concluded with a presentation on Milton's classic work Paradise Lost by Dr. Timothy Paul Jones, interspersed with readings from Mr. Anthony Sauls. The complete audio of this event is now available for free MP3 download.

Posted by Steve Weaver, Research and Administrative Assistant to the Director of the Andrew Fuller Center for Baptist Studies, Dr. Michael A.G. Haykin.

More on centres of love

In the latest round of debate regarding the so-called “new atheism,” Christian theologian Doug Wilson takes on Christopher Hitchens in a published give-and-take on the topic Is Christianity Good for the World?[1] Hitchens is convinced that Christianity, along with religion in general, poisons everything good in life. And thus, for him, the answer to the question in the book’s title is a resounding no. Hitchens’ answer, however, is one that would have amazed numerous pagans living in the Roman Imperium in the first four centuries after Christ. The love, generosity, and showing of mercy of believers to those outside of the Christian community was, according to Henry Chadwick--that great patrologist who died this past summer and on whom I still need to write a small appreciation--“probably the most potent single cause of Christian success” during the period of the Roman Imperium.[2]

[1] Is Christianity Good for the World? (Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 2008).

[2] Henry Chadwick, The Early Church (Rev. ed.; London: Penguin Books Ltd., 1993), 56.

Centres of love?

Evangelicalism has done a great job historically of creating communities of light. But what of centres of love? Have we Evangelicals been as successful there? Are our churches known as places of love? Are we lovingly building into each others' lives? Sometimes I genuinely fear that the answer to these questions is no and that this is one reason--not the only one, but an important one--why our churches are failing to make a profound impact on our society.

ETS, the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, & Parkside Church

Last week I attended the Evangelical Theological Society annual meeting in Providence, Rhode Island, a beautiful city with a rich Baptist history. The busyness of the meetings, both formal and informal, though prevented me from getting to see the nearby First Baptist Church of America--the beautiful 1775 meeting-house--and Brown University. I did see the church in the shuttle taking me to the airport last Thursday and am thankful for the saints of James Manning's day who built this house of prayer and worship. This past weekend, my son Nigel and I and a close friend, Stephen Swallow, and his two sons, Peter and Ben, went to Cleveland to see the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Had three hours at the museum--especially interesting were the various written memorabilia, like the report card of John Lennon at twelve years of age in 1953 (the year I was born) or letters relating to Jim Morrison of the Doors. It was fascinating to read a report from Jim Morrison's Sunday School Superintendent (also written in 1953), after Jim had given a fine Sunday Scool recitation. How different was his end from his beginning! A good reminder of the necessity of finishing well.

Afterwards we stayed in a Marriott hotel and then this morning attended the third worship service at Parkside Church. Alistair Begg preached an excellent word from Isaiah 45 and Acts 17.

All in all a delightful weekend.