Today is the 200th anniversary of the victory of the British fleet under Horatio Nelson over the French at Trafalgar. I would have first heard of Nelson when I was growing up as a young child in England in the late 1950s and early 1960s. There is no doubt that he was one of my childhood heroes. Reading some of what has been written this past year on Nelson and this important battle has helped me revisit the story of this English hero. And it has prompted me to ask how we who are evangelicals are to remember this battle. Specifically, “should evangelical Christians praise God for Nelson’s victory at Trafalgar?” Stan Evers, pastor of a Calvinistic Baptist work in Potton, Bedfordshire, England, has sought to answer this question in an extremely thoughtful article entitled “Saint Nelson?” [Grace Magazine (October 2005), 5]. DV, I hope to find some time in the near future to reflect on his important answer to this question. For Stan’s article, read it on the Banner of Truth website: Saint Nelson?