An Elder’S Prayer

Baptists have historically not been into written prayers. If you want to know why, read John Bunyan’s I will pray with the Spirit. But it is great to have recorded prayers from godly men of the church like C.H. Spurgeon that help us understand the piety of our Baptist forebears.

Here is a prayer from a man whom it has been my privilege to know and serve with, Dr. Colin Wellum, Sr., with whom I have served as an elder at Trinity Baptist Church, Burlington, Ontario. I have just offered my resignation as elder at this my home church and that because of the duties I now have as a professor at SBTS.

But it has been one of the deepest joys of my life to serve alongside Dr Wellum, and the pastor, Carl Muller, and the other elders. They are a remarkable group of godly men, for whom I give thanks regularly. May the Lord continue to bless this church and own it, as he has done in the past thirty-five years, for his glory.

Here is the prayer, it is on the blog of Colin’s son, Kirk Wellum: To God Be The Glory.