I was not able to take in all of T4G last week—only a couple of sessions-unlike two years ago when I was there for all of it (an unforgettable experience). But I was reminded of its importance today in a letter from Martin Holdt [“Out of Africa: Newsletter” (April 2008)], where he states vis-à-vis the UK Banner Conference (but it would apply to T4G or John Piper’s Desiring God conferences, or Dr. MacArthur’s Shepherd Conference or those put on by Ligonier, or the Banner confernece over here, or on a much smaller scale the SGF conference in Southern Ontario): “A friend and colleague in England once told me that it was once found that in England the men who are most likely to persevere against the usual odds in the ministry are those who regularly attend minister’s conferences. Those most likely to drop out are those who isolate themselves and never get the benefit of such a fraternity.”