Upcoming Mini-Conference on Adoniram Judson

By Dustin Bruce

ST-072-2014 Andrew Fuller Center mini-conference Slide

“Throwing Our Hats Over the Wall: Adoniram Judson and the Global Gospel Call”

March 5th, 2014

The Andrew Fuller Center for Baptist Studies would like to invite you to attend the Spring Mini-Conference. This year, the conference focuses on Adoniram Judson and his missionary experience and influence.

The featured speaker will be Dr. Jason Duesing, Vice President for Strategic Initiatives and Assistant Professor of Historical Theology at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. Dr. Duesing has conducted extensive research on the life and ministry of Judson and is a well-known speaker, author, and editor on the subject.

The mini-conference will take place from 9:00–11:30 AM on Wednesday, March 5th in Heritage Hall on the campus of Southern Seminary. Admission is free to all attendees and refreshments will be provided.

The schedule is as follows:

9:00–10:00 - Lecture 1: The Life and Ministry of Adoniram Judson, Part 1:  Conversion, Consecration, & Commission, 1788-1812

10:15–11:15 - Lecture 2: The Life and Ministry of Adoniram Judson, Part 2:  Baptism, Burma, & the Bible, 1812-1850

11:15–11:30 - Q&A on the Life and Ministry of Adoniram Judson


Dustin Bruce lives in Louisville, KY where he is pursuing a PhD in Biblical Spirituality at Southern Seminary. He is a graduate of Auburn University and Southwestern Seminary. Dustin and his wife, Whitney, originally hail from Alabama.