By Dustin Bruce
On the Bible Mesh blog, David Roach suggests “6 Ways to Start Learning Church History.”
David Filson follows up on a previous post with “Five More Reasons Why You Should Read Jonathan Edwards,” on The Christward Collective.
Consider getting involved with A Jonathan Edwards Encyclopedia, a project of the Jonathan Edwards Center at Yale University.
Check out “History, Providence, and Good News” by Tom Nettles at the Founders blog.
If you missed it, check out this interesting article from Fox News, “1,300-year-old Egyptian mummy had tattoo of Archangel Michael.”
Thomas Kidd, writing at The Anxious Bench, offers sound advice in “The Art of the Book Review.”
Andreas Kostenberger and Justin Taylor offer a convincing proposal in “April 3, AD 33: Why We Believe We Can Know the Exact Date Jesus Died.”
The Fuller Center’s own Steve Weaver offers helpful tips in “Research Tips for Unfamiliar Topics.”
Check out “David Brainerd Went to the Indians” by Fred Sanders on The Scriptorium Daily.
Listen to Albert Mohler interview Myron Magnet on a fascinating new work, At Home With the Founders.
Recent Book Releases
J.I. Packer, Evangelical Influences: Profiles of Figures and Movements Rooted in the Reformation. Hendrickson.
Christopher Barina Kaiser, Seeing the Lord’s Glory: Kyriocentric Visions and the Dilemma of Early Christology. Fortress.
Richard A. Bailey, Race and Redemption in Puritan New England (paperback). Oxford.
Clemens Leonhard and Hermut Lohr, eds, Literature or Liturgy?: Early Christian Hymns and Prayers in Their Literary and Liturgical Context in Antiquity. Mohr Sieback.
Carol Harrison and Caroline Humfress, eds., Being Christian in Late Antiquity. Oxford.
From the Fuller Center
AFC contributor Evan Burns posts on “Uneducated Ministers?”
The audio from Jason Duesing’s lecture series on Adoniram Judson is now available.
What did I miss this week? Share in the comments or on Twitter: @AFCBS or @dustinbruce.
Note: Inclusion of an article, book, or any other form of media on the Historiae ecclesiasticae collecta does not constitute a theological endorsement by the compiler, Michael Haykin, the Andrew Fuller Center or Southern Seminary.

Dustin Bruce lives in Louisville, KY where he is pursuing a PhD in Biblical Spirituality at Southern Seminary. He is a graduate of Auburn University and Southwestern Seminary. Dustin and his wife, Whitney, originally hail from Alabama.