A Digest of Scripture

By Evan D. Burns

Adoniram Judson (1788-1850) wrote a handful of tracts for his evangelism/discipleship ministry, one of which was a tract called A Digest of Scripture.[1]  It is written like a primer on basic theology for young believers.  Judson outlines some unique aspects of evangelical doctrine and for living the Christian life.  His chapter titles below demonstrate what he saw as the dominant doctrines taught by Scripture and those doctrines in which faithful believers should abide:

  1.  Introduction: Scripture and Wisdom

  2. The Being and Attributes of God

  3. The Trinity

  4. The State of Man

  5. The Lord Jesus Christ

  6. Salvation Bestowed

  7. Salvation Accepted

  8. The Evidences of Faith

  9. The Benefits of Faith

  10. Duty to God

  11. Duty to Men

  12. Duty to One’s Self

  13. Prayer

  14. The Church

  15. The Extension of the Gospel

  16. The Afflictions of Believers

  17. Death

  18. A Future State

  19. The Resurrection

  20. The Last Judgment

  21. The Retribution of Eternity: Hell, Heaven

[1]Adoniram Judson, A Digest of Scripture: Consisting of Extracts from the Old and New Testaments (Maulmain: American Baptist Mission Press, 1840).


Evan D. Burns (Ph.D. Candidate, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) is on faculty at Asia Biblical Theological Seminary, and he lives in Southeast Asia with his wife and twin sons.  They are missionaries with Training Leaders International.