By Ian Hugh Clary
The Andrew Fuller Center is happy to announce the launch of a new website called Books At A Glance. The purpose of the site is to relieve the frustration that all of us bibliophiles feel: there’s not enough time to read all of the books we want! Books At A Glance is designed to help streamline some of our reading habits by providing summaries, reviews, and author interviews of the latest books in the various theological disciplines.
If you are in the business world you are likely familiar with the concept of “executive reviews.” These are more than a book review, but a proper summary—roughly 7-10 pages—of a book to help readers get a sense of its content, flow, and argument. Books At A Glance capitalizes on this kind of summary. As the promo material says, these summaries enable you to “keep informed and up to date and widen your learning in minutes, without infringing on your schedule.” It also helps you figure out what books you want to purchase in order to dig deeper.
Books At A Glance is run by pastor-theologian Fred Zaspel, author of a number of important works on B. B. Warfield. Its Board of Reference includes Thabiti Anyabwile, Matthew Barrett, D. A. Carson, James Hamilton, Steve Nichols, Tom Schreiner, Carl Trueman, and others.
This is not a totally free website but requires membership for access to some key aspects of what is offered. We really do think that this is a worthwhile resource that will continue to grow and develop as the months go by. It is ideal for busy pastors who don’t have time to read all of the latest from good publishers, it is also useful for scholars who want to keep abreast of the most recent work.

Ian Hugh Clary is finishing doctoral studies at the University of the Free State (Bloemfontein) where he is writing on Arnold Dallimore and the search for a usable past. He is a co-editor (with Steve Weaver) of "The Pure Flame of Devotion: A History of Christian Spirituality (Joshua Press, 2013), a Festschrift in honour of Michael Haykin. He is also a contributor to Gordon L. Heath's Canadian Churches and the First World War (Pickwick, 2014). Ian has written articles in journals like Scottish Bulletin of Evangelical Theology, Mid-America Journal of Theology, and Puritan Reformed Journal. Ian and his wife Vicky have three children, Jack, Molly, and Kate, and live in Toronto where they are members of West Toronto Baptist Church.