By Dustin Bruce
On the Religion in American History blog, Steven P. Miller is interviewed about his upcoming book,The Age of Evangelicalism: America’s Born-Again Years.
In “The Absolute Best Way to Introduce Your Kids (and Yourself) to Church History”, Justin Taylor highlights a current WTS book special. The title says it all!
On The Scriptorium Daily, Fred Sanders posts on “Our Whole Salvation & All Its Parts: Calvin on Union with Christ.”
On his personal blog, Lee Gattiss reviews Crawford Gribben’s Evangelical Millenialism in the Trans-Atlantic World, 1500–2000.
Miles Mullins discusses “Unintended Consequences in American Religious History” on The Anxious Bench blog.
Also at The Anxious Bench, Philip Jenkins puts forth an interesting treatment of an early Christian term in “Counting the Ways.”
A free article from the Journal of Discipleship and Family Ministry, Matt Haste treats “So many voices”: The Piety of Monica, Mother of Augustine.
Tim Challies continues a helpful series with “The False Teachers: Harry Emerson Fosdick.”
On the Ligonier blog, Steve Lawson is interviewed on his new bookThe Evangelistic Zeal of George Whitefield.
Also, while not restricted to Church History, check out the many helpful resources at Historians Teaching.
While not necessarily a blog, it is worth noting that Southern Seminary’s James P. Boyce Centennial Library recently released a LibGuide on Andrew Fuller. This is a great resource for anyone interested in learning more about Fuller.
Recent Book Releases
Kenneth D. Wald and Allison Calhoun-Brown, Religion and Politics in the United States, seventh edition. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
Sean Martin, The Cathars: The Most Successful Heresy in the Middle Ages. Oldcastle Books.
John Drury, Music at Midnight: The Life and Poetry of George Herbert. The University of Chicago Press.
From the Fuller Center
AFC Fellow,Nathan Finn, posted on the controversial question, “Are Baptists Reformers, Radicals, or Restorationists?”
Evan Burns highlighted John Owen in “Preaching from the ‘Spiritual Sense’.”
Joe Harrod continued a series of posts on Samuel Davies with “Samuel Davies on Meditation.”
What did I miss this week? Share in the comments or on Twitter: @AFCBS or @dustinbruce.
Note: Inclusion of an article, book, or any other form of media on the Historiae ecclesiasticae collecta does not constitute a theological endorsement by the compiler, Michael Haykin, the Andrew Fuller Center or Southern Seminary.

Dustin Bruce lives in Louisville, KY where he is pursuing a PhD in Biblical Spirituality at Southern Seminary. He is a graduate of Auburn University and Southwestern Seminary. Dustin and his wife, Whitney, originally hail from Alabama.